lemon and maple posset

lemon and maple posset


  • 2 medium-size lemons
  • 55g (1/4 cup) maple sugar (or maple syrup)
  • 250ml (1 cup) 35% cream (or 190ml 35% cream if maple syrup is used instead of maple sugar) 


  1. With a sharp knive, empty the lemon by removing the supremes of the lemons without piercing the peal. Keep the peel as the recipient for the dessert. Cut a small piece under each peel in order to stabilize the lemon in a dish and in the serving plate.
  2. Over a recipient, press the supremes in order to get the juice. You will need 3 tbsp or 45 ml. Keep the additional juice to make a maple lemonade - check out the recipe.
  3. Pour the cream into a large saucepan and add the maple sugar.
  4. Bring to the boil stirring continuously then simmer for 3 minutes
  5. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly then whisk in the lemon juice
  6. Transfer to the preserved peel (or glass jug and pour into serving dishes
  7. Cover with clingfilm and refrigerate for 4 hours (or overnight).
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