maple, orange, basil sour

maple, orange, basil sour

  • 1 orange, cut in 2 + 1 orange slice for glass coating and decoration
  • 4 basil leaves, chopped
  • 15 ml (1 tbsp) maple sugar + about 30 ml (2 tbsp) for the glass coating
  • 1 bottle of tonic
  • ice cubes


  1. Pour maple sugar in a small plate. Press the orange slice along the glasses rim. Dip the glass in the maple sugar plate in order to coat the rim.
  2. Prepare the syrup : in a small bowl, press the orange to extract its juice. Add the basil leaves and add 1 tbsp of maple sugar and mix thoroughly with a spoon or pestle.
  3. Divide the syrup into 2 glasses. Add ice cubes and fill the glasses with tonic. Cheers!
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